
Events in 2018

2018, October 22-24. Panama City (PAN), Workshop by Foro Cilac. TBVT participated in the three-day-workshop, delivering the main results to secondary school teachers, early career researchers and decision makers from public administrations, research centres and universities. TBVT also delivered a Plenary Session of 1 hour relating the main results of Perform project with the Sustainable Development Objectives of the United Nations.

2018, September 19. Barcelona (SPA), Workshop at the Pompeu Fabra University. UoW delivered one-day workshop on impact evaluation, featuring PERFORM project methodology and research findings.

2018, September 18. Barcelona (SPA), Campus Gutenberg International Congress held in Cosmo Caixa and organized by University of Pompeu Fabra. TBVT delivered a workshop about how to include the human dimension of science in scientific oral communications.

2018, August 14. Phuket (THA), Inclusive Innovation in Tourism’ symposium funded by the British Council and co-hosted by the Thailand Chamber of Commerce University and Birmingham University. UoW delivered invited research presentation including methods and results from the PERFORM project.

2018, August 14. Sao Paulo (BRA), Physics Institute – Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo. UoW delivered a lecture on ‘Why impact evaluation matters in science and environmental education’. The talks’ content included a focus on arts-based approaches to science education, specifically presenting methods and results from the PERFORM project.

2018, July 14. Valetta (MLT), Final Conference of European project STEAM. The TBVT delivered a 1-hour talk about the main results of PERFORM project.

2018, July 9-14. Toulouse (FR), ESOF – Euroscience Open Forum 2018 hosted a session where UNESCO and the University of Bristol presented the results of the project related to the teachers training toolkits and the general results of the project.

2018, June 14-15. Paris (FR), PERFORM final conference in Paris. The PERFORM consortium develop a two-day conference to presente the results of the projects. More than 400 persons took part to the first day of the conference and more than 150 delegates from 22 countries, 50 international representatives from UNESCO and more than 200 young students. The conference program includes workshops, performances and talks, a poster session that promoted networking among European projects on education and four special training sessions for students and teachers.

2018. June 9. Barcelona (ES). Barcelona Science Festival. The Big Van Theory team conducted some shows during the festival, involving the students who took part in the PERFORM project. The participation into the festival addressed to families and general audiences was a unique opportunity for students to experience a live performance in front of a real general audiences.

2018, June 6-9. Geneva (CH),ECSITE – European Network of Science Centres and Museums annual conference hosted a reverse session to develop dialogue among European projects on Responsible Research and Innovation.

2018, May 17-18. Madrid (ES) ,EUSEA – European Science Engagement Association Annual Conference. A pre-conference session Jointly organized by The Big Van Theory and EUSEA is held in Madrid with the participation or 30 persons from China to Europe to experience some of the methods used during the project workshop sessions with secondary school students. During the conference a session was held to present the PERFORM results and the PERFORM conference in June.

2018, April 27. Wien (AT) ,Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation (HEIRRI) Project Second ConferenceEUSEA takes part into the HEIRRI second conference on implementing new methods for training in Higher Education incorporating RRI Values. Eusea presents the most updated results of the PERFORM project and the main topics of the PERFORM Conference that will take place in June 14-15 in Paris.

2018, April 26. Utrecht (Netherlands). Invited research seminar at Freudenthal Institute, University of Utrecht, focusing on research methods and findings from WP4 of PERFORM project attended by UoW.

2018, April 25. Online. UOC was invited to make a live and online Webinar entitled Lessons from the PERFORM project as a practical example of STEAM at the Get Inspired by STEAM education! Webinar organised by the European Schoolnet.

2018, April 25. Bristol (UK). UoB presented PERFORM in a talk titled Experiments in RRI training at a Bristol Doctoral College and Centres for Doctoral training meeting. The event reached 20 people responsible for ECR training (and interested in introducing RRI training) at EPSRC CDTs.

2018, April 20. Gothenburg (Sweden). UoW delivered an invited presentation on impact evaluation of public engagement events, including methodological know-how and examples from PERFORM impact assessment at the European Researchers Night Swedish Organisers Meeting.

2018, April 18. Gothenburg (Sweden). UoW delivered a workshop at the Forum for science communication on impact evaluation of science communication, including methodological know-how and examples from PERFORM impact assessment.

018, April 17. Swedish Research Council (Sweden). UoW delivered a workshop on impact evaluation of science communication, including methodological know-how and examples from PERFORM impact assessment.

2018, April 12. Barcelona (ES). TBVT showed PERFORM results through a performance, a talk and a round table with representatives of Educational Section of Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya Government.

2018, April 10. Bristol (UK). UoB presented Perform as a case study at an RRI practice Consortium meeting at the UoB. The event reached 20 international attendees from different countries eg. Brazil, Sweden, Netherlands, Bulgaria, etc.

2018, April 4-6. Dunedin (New Zealand), Public Communication of Science and Technology Annual Conference 2018. UNESCO, UOC and TBVT takes part into the PCST Conference being involved into two sessions: one hosting a general presentation of the PERFORM project and the second one in the form of a workshop with science communicators to reflect on participatory methods used in the PERFORM project.

2018, February 12th, Barcelona (Spain). TBVT made a live dissemination Performance at the Programa Argó Presentation Conference.

2018, February 19th, Barcelona (Spain). TBVT made a Dissemination performance at Institut de Ciencies de l’Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to enrol teachers in the 2nd Teachers’ Training to be held in July 2018.

2018, February 2nd, Medellin (Colombia). UoW delivered invited presentation at Parque Explora science centre about impact evaluation of informal science learning, including know-how and example findings from PERFORM impact assessment work package.

2018, January 22nd-24th, Sede San Carlos (Costa Rica). UoW participated in the Feria de proyectos de extensión y taller de evaluación de impacto at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology with an invited keynote presentation on impact evaluation of public engagement with research and workshop on impact evaluation (both in Spanish), including findings and know-how developed through PERFORM.

2018, January, 4-5. Liverpool (UK), Association for Science Education (ASE) Conference. UoB takes part into the national event where educators from all over disciplines share their experience on innovation processes in education and future challenges. The PERFORM experience is shared in a workshop.

2018, January 4th, San Francisco (California). UoW contributed to a workshop on Accessible Learning and Evaluation at the Exploratorium. UoW invited presentation was on designing impact evaluation of informal learning experiences in a way that accounts for diversity and accessibility, including examples from PERFORM impact assessment methodology.

Events in 2017

2017, December 13. Bruxelles (BE) European Researchers’ Night info day 2017. Eusea takes part into the ERN Info day during which networking activities aimed at inviting science communicators and other stakeholders to the PERFORM Conference are implemented and the possible link between the PERFORM project and the Marie Curie Actions are investigated to be further developed.

2017, December 7. Dublin (IE) SCI:COM 2017. Eusea participates in the conference SCI:COM about science communication in Ireland taking part into a panel discussion were examples of EU funded projects on innovation in science communication are presented among which the PERFORM project.

2017, December 6-7. Bristol (UK), Engage Conference. UoB takes part in a panel discussion on innovation in STEM sharing the PERFORM approaches.

2017, December 5. Bruxelles (BE), 12th Scientix Projects’ Networking Event (SPNE12). UNESCO and UOC join the meeting among projects members involved in innovation in education processes and EU funded projects. The workshops is focused on Gender and Innovation in STE(A)M Education.

2017, November 23-24. Cordoba (Spain), VI Congress of Social Communication of Science (Congreso de comunicación social de la ciencia). UOC and UAB take part into the conference delivering a presentation focused on the key aspects of the PERFORM project.

2017, November 18-19. Oxford (UK), Educere and educare meeting. UOC and UAB take part into the international conference and the PERFORM approach is presented to a community of educators through an interactive workshop.

2017, November 15-17. Rome (Italy), Beyond the Obvious Conference. Eusea and SMS take part into the international event dedicated to cultural strategies in Europe and organized every year by the Culture Action Europe Association. Science Made Simple presents example of innovation in science education among which the PERFORM project features and outcomes. European cultural stakeholders are the majority of the participants involved in the conference that is an opportunity to share PERFORM contents with artists and cultural actors coming from different fields.

2017, November 7-11. Dead Sea (Jordan), World Science Forum. UNESCO, SMS and UOC take part into the World Science Forum participating in a session on the innovation in education where the presented the performing art use impact in STEM education as experienced in the PERFORM project. The context allows to present the PERFORM results to policy makers and scientists from all over the world.

2017, November, 2-3. Belgrade (Serbia). The AJA team delivers a training for science communicators in Belgrade. The train is also based on the participatory methods developed and studied in the PERFORM project. The event has a national dimension. The main stakeholders involved are young researchers and communicators.

2017, September 26-27. Science is Wonder-ful, Bruxelles (BE) and 29 September, Paris (FR), Valladolid and Madrid (ES) European Researchers’ Night. Science Made Simple, The Big Van Theory and the Traces team were all involved in the development of shows and activities in different locations where the European Researchers’ Night was held.

2017, August 25-28. Shanghai (China), Shanghai International Popular Science Products Expo 2017. Eusea and the Science Made Simple team presented the PERFORM project preliminary results and outcomes.

2017, July 8. London (UK), V International meeting SRUK (Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom). The Big Van Theory team took part into a roundtable on science engagement and presented a monologue titled “Brain and epigenetics”.

2017, July 19-21. Centre for Life in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (UK). The BIG (British Interactive Group) Event, Science Made Simple presented excerpts of the performance developed during the PERFORM project to the BIG event audience composed by professionals in science communication. The goal was to enhance the participatory approach of new science busking activities under development in the PERFORM project.

2017, June 16. Porto (PT), Ecsite Annual Conference. A session with the title “RRI: new collaborations for science communicators and researchers” was developed and held by Eusea the Science Made Simple team and Univeristat Oberta de Catalunya.

2017, May 31. Barcelona (ES), UOC open day. A presentation in a TED talk style of the PERFORM contents and structure to the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Research Showcase was delivered. The presentation was awarded the first prize.

2017, May 29-30. Leuven, Eusea Annual Conference Leuven. Eusea and the Science Made Simple team developed a workshop to present the PERFORM project and experience the meaning of participation in the development of STEM based performances. The workshop included stakeholders from the science communication field from all over Europe.

2017, May 16. Barcelona (ES). The Big Van Theory team took part in the  2nd Homo scientificus europaeus Meeting organized at the Ateneu Barcelones. Its aim is to foster the creation of a large pan-European community of citizen-scientists supporting the new social contract between science and society. During the session on RRI and participative Science the Perform project achievements where presented.

2017, May 6. Bruxelles (BE), European Commission Open Day. Science Made Simple and the Univeristat Oberta de Catalunya presented the busking activities and the format for innovation in STEM education developed by the PERFORM project.

2017, May 3. Bruxelles (BE), European Researchers’ Night Coordinators’ Day. The training opportunities for early career researchers under development in the PERFORM project were presented by EUSEA during the session at Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.

2017, January 16. Reading (UK), Association for Science Communication (ASE) conference. Science Made Simple and Univeristat Oberta de Catalunya presented the PERFORM project through an oral communication on Participatory engagement with scientific and technological research through performance.

2016, December 14. Barcelona (Spain), Responsible research and innovation: how to maximize the local impact of my research?

2016, November 21-22. Brussels (Belgium),  RRI Tools Final Conference “Responsible Research and Innovation In Action”

2016, November 15. Brussels (Belgium), Opening Science to Society

2016, November 9-10. Paris (France), World Science Day 2016: PERFORM presented at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris

2016, June 9-11. Graz (Austria), ECSITE Annual Conference 2016

2016, May 18-19.Tartu (Estonia), EUSEA Annual Conference 2016

2016, April 26-28. Istanbul (Turkey), PSCT 2016 Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference: The Global Conference on Science Communication. TBVT Presenting “Participatory science education approaches based on performing arts” and LAC presenting “Spectacular science: a reflection about limits and opportunities”

2016, April 15-16. Leiden (Netherlands), TEMI Final Congress 2016: “Teaching the TEMI way” congress

2016, March 18. Barcelona (Spain), 1st HEIRRI Conference “Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation”. UAB and UOC presenting “Performing RRI in science education: How to measure the impact?”

2016, February 16. Madrid (Spain), SWAFS Info Day. Invited speech by Project Coordinator (UOC)