
The PERFORM Project innovates STEM education through participatory processes. Discover how, with the presentation of Karla Berrens winner of the UOC Research Showcase 2017

During the PERFORM kick-off meeting some partners contributed to the elaboration of a short video explaining the aim, scope and expected outputs of the project. You can take a look at it here:

The following video shows the first performance-based science education activity -that we call PERSEIA- designed by the PERFORM project. Drawn on stand-up comedy, this science education activity aims to address the human dimension of science to motivate young people and raise their interest in science and research. It is being tested in selected secondary schools in the Barcelona region. Other PERSEIAs based on busking theatre and clown are also being piloted in the UK and France.

The Perform project transforms science busking routines into new ways of expressing students’ expectations, views and ideas on science, technology, engineering and math.

When the art of clownerie and the concept of responsible research and innovation meet, new performances are generated to engage with young people

Managing the Perform data library. Piloting new ways for accessibility